Well, I just finished doing a study by Angela Thomas titled, When Wallflowers Dance: Becoming a Women of Righteous Confidence. I like that term wallflower because I've always been a shy & reserved person. My goal with this blog is to share with others what I'm learning in my spiritual journey with Christ as He takes my hand, and leads me to the dance floor of life to become that women of righteous confidence!
Here's a couple excerpts from the When Wallflowers Dance members book.
This first one describes what Angela felt like while God was pursuing her.
"Our God is a pursuing God. God dragged me out of the dark and into the light. He held me close and gave me safety. As I came to know deeper truths of His desire and passion for me, the most beautiful picture I could paint of His love was the picture of a wallflower being asked to dance." Introduction, p.5
I like this next one because it describes God "coming across heaven and earth" to 'dance' with His children. :)
"Here is the good news of the gospel: God is coming across heaven and earth for you. Maybe you have already met Him. Maybe you are just beginning to hear His voice and recognize His glorious presence in your ordinary life. Either way, He is already here, pursuing your heart. Inviting you to step away from the edge of your life and into the center of His passion.", Introduction, p.5
You can click here: When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas to learn more about this study. There is a video with a message from Angela, as well as, a link to view some sample pages from the book.
I thank you for taking the time to read this & I hope you have a blessed day.